RSF Lunch Meeting - Monday, January 11th, 2015 12:30 pm
Agenda - Discuss the new CoF RSF Professional Development Fund
- Background and purpose
- Professional Development Plans
- Professional Development Fund Details
- Eligibility
- Application process
- Selection process
- Reporing process
- Timelines
RSF Commitee Meeting - Monday, June 8th, 2015 11am
- Welcome Michelle and brief introductions (5 min)
- Report on RSF-relevant topics from recent meetings (all-college meeting, bias and inclusion workshop, FEC) (20 min)
- Develop draft proposal for professional development funds for RSF (60 min)
- Schedule next committee meeting and assign action items (5 min)
Meeting notes for RSF Committee meeting 6/8/2015
RSF Commitee Meeting - Monday, May 11th, 2015 12:30pm
- Report on Fierce Conversations training
- Report on RSF skills database progress
- Discuss RSF email list and who our committee represents
- Schedule informal RSF lunch meetings – assign committee rep(s) to organize
- Review results from survey on needs for professional development funds
- Plan for proposal development
RSF Commitee Meeting - Monday, April 13th, 2015 11am
- Schedule RSF lunch meeting - April
- Review last year’s progress as a committee and plan for next year
- What have we accomplished - where are we now?
- What is yet to be accomplished - where are we going?
- How many new members do we need to recruit? Who wants to remain on the committee for another year and in what positions?
Meeting notes for RSF Committee meeting 4/13/2015
RSF Committee Meeting - Monday, December 8th, 2014 11am
- Discuss lab safety/flooding meeting with Roger Admiral
- Review revisions to college space policy
- Discuss FES DH’s request for a RSF representative for departmental advisory committee
- Discuss October all-faculty meeting
- Continue preparation for Feb. 6 FEC presentation
Meeting notes for RSF Committee meeting 12/8/2014
All College Meeting - Monday, October 2nd, 2014 2:30pm
- Discuss progress and goals for Institute for Working Forest Landscapes
- Discuss schedule for Peavy renovation
Meeting notes for All college meeting 10/2/2014
RSF Lunch Meeting - Monday, September 22nd, 2014 12pm
- Present the Faculty Senate’s response to recommendations for improvements for research faculty from the 2013 OSU-AAUP non-tenure-track faculty
- Discuss issues affecting RSF community to help the committee focus our efforts appropriately
- Request that participants fill out a forthcoming survey on RSF responsibilities to assist the committee with accomplishing several initiatives to improve working conditions and career advancement for RSF
RSF Committee Meeting - Monday, September 22nd, 2014 11am
- Finalize survey design for gathering information on RSF responsiblities
- Repeated lab flooding and loud noise (spontaneous agenda item)
Meeting notes for committee meeting 9/22/2014
RSF Committee Meeting - Monday, June 23rd, 2014 11am
- Appoint Vice-chair of the committee
- Prioritize and decide on next committee actions
- Continue dividing up project areas among members
- Assign action items and schedule next committee meeting
RSF Committee Meeting - Monday, June 23rd, 2014 11am
- Update on recruitment of FERM representative
- Appoint Vice-chair of the committee
- Discuss RSF committee logistics
- Discuss ways to increase visibility of RSF
- Divvy up project areas among members
- Action items
RSF Committee Meeting - Wednesday, May 21, 2014 11am
- Promotions to SFRA I and SFRA II
- Advice from Lisa Ganio on increasing recognition of RSF
- Info from Camille’s visit from AAUP union rep
- Overview of project areas (orientation, professional development, mentoring, social events)
- Action items
RSF Lunch Meeting - Monday, April 14, 2014 12pm
- OSU-AAUP university-wide survey of Non-Tenure Track Faculty
- Establishing criteria for promotion to Senior FRA II
- Proposal to create a professional development fund for RSF
- Strengthen relationships with administrators
- Revitalization of RSF committee programs for mentoring, orientation and networking
- Expectations for committee members
- Open discussion
RSF Lunch Meeting - Thursday, May 2, 2013 12pm
- Discuss the importance of annual performance reviews from the perspectives of RSF, Dean Maness and FES Department Head Paul Doescher.
- Discuss ways to support professional development of RSF.
Powerpoint presentation for 5/3/2013
RSF Lunch Meeting - Tuesday, November 13, 2012 12pm
- Introduce RSF committee and mention we are college-wide now
- Show slides from All-college meeting and discuss how RSF can drive progress toward accomplishing some of the new Dean's goals.
- Discuss how new promotion ranks for FRAs factors into these opportunities.
RSF Committee Meeting - Thursday, September 27, 2012 2 pm
- Brainstorm about role of RSF in CoF
- Discuss RSF committee goals for this academic year
- Discuss action items related to goals
RSF Committee Meeting - Thursday, May 24, 2012 1 pm
- Elect RSF officers
- Personal recruitment for vacant at-large seats
- FTE marketplace promotion
- Planning topics for RSF workshops
- New employee orientation
Lunch forum fof all RSF in CoF - Wednesday, March 21 at noon
- Announce the promotion of the RSF committee from FES department only to CoF-wide
- Provide short overviews of:
- FTE marketplace (presented by Peder Nelson)
- Peer mentoring program (presented by Camille Fretaig)
- Foresty, Oceanic and Atmospheric Business Center (FOBC, presented by Penny Wright)
- Announcement of RSF elections for new committee members
- Suggestions for future forum topics solicited from all RSF attendees
RSF Committee Meeting - Thursday, February 23, 2012 10 am
- Announcement of elevating RSF committee from FES department to the College level
- Schedule a CoF RSF forum with lunch (tentative date Wednedsay, March 21 at noon)
- Elections for new RSF committee members
RSF Committee Meeting - Monday, January 10, 2011, 3:00 pm in Richardson 201Q.
- Planning for Business center presentation on 1/21/2011
- RSF Website Update (Heather)
- Discussion of taking RSF committee college-wide
- OSU Mentor networking meeting 2/1/2011
- Discussion of RSF goals for 2011
RSF Committee Meeting - Thursday, October 8, 2009, 11:30 am in Richardson 319.
Recruit for committee nominations – hold elections for committee members
Updates on:
• Searchable database (Maureen & Keith)
• Mentoring (Kathy)
• RSF website (Kathy)
• New employee orientation (Jay)