Professional Development Application Form

OSU College of Forestry

*Research Support Faculty eligible for these funds are non-tenure-track (NTT) fixed-term faculty, including the ranks: Faculty Research Assistants (FRA), Senior Faculty Research Assistant I (SFRA I), Senior Faculty Research Assistant II (SFRA II), Research Associates (RA)1, and Professional Faculty engaged in research. Eligibility for Research Professional Faculty is restricted to those who work to support another faculty member’s research program. Professional Faculty who lead their own research programs are ineligible.

1Research Associates with the 'postdoc' marker in their PD are ineligible

Review the goals before filling out the form

(e.g., attend grant writing workshop, present research results at XXX conference, develop and lead workshop). For workshop development and delivery please also document the level of interest in the workshop.
(e.g., if a goal is to learn an emerging technology, include “Support CoF’s ability to be at the forefront of new forestry research by promoting the knowledge, skills, and abilities of RSF”).

Provide a detailed budget for the proposed project.  See Example Budget. Include details on the following as they apply:

** Relevant only to workshop development and delivery

(e.g. my supervisor will pay, I will cover the remainder, or it will be covered by another OSU fund)

By clicking “submit” you are confirming that you are CoF Research Support Faculty and that your supervisor supports your participation at this event.

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